SOLANA ERROR LITTLE: The YellowGrpC Geyser Plugin **

As a developer who works with the popular Blockchain Solana, you probably have problems when creating applications using the Yellowstone-GRPC Geyser plug-in. In this article, we will deepen the mechanism for managing solar errors and explore how to solve the message “Error: received greater than the maximum problem.

What is Plug -in YellowGrpc Geyser?

The Geyser Yellowstone-GRPC plug-in allows you to create a Solar RPC customer to take advantage of the energy of the GRPC library to discover the GRPC services. This plug -in offers a simple way to manage and interact with the application services, maintaining the code base and easy to maintain.

Error: Message received greater than Max

When you try to recover data from the locally implemented RPC server using the Yellowstone GRPC Geyser plug-in, you can find an error when you try to cope with big messages. This problem arises because the max parameter defined in the options of the GRPC customer is too small to cope with the big useful tasks.

Error message: Received larger than the maximum error is raised by the solar when you find a message exceeding the maximum allowed size. This can happen for several reasons, including:

  • Large amounts of data sent by network

  • Lengths of inconsistent messages in different services

  • Incorrect RPC server settings


To solve this problem, you need to adjust your GRPC customer options to cope with bigger messages. Here are some steps to be taken:


CONST Customer = New Customer ({

// … other settings …

Options: {

Maxmessagesize: 67108864, // Increasing the default value of 19703084




  • Specify the length of the message

    : You can also specify a fixed length message to ensure that the RPC server does not receive great messages.

Here is an updated example:


CONST Customer = New Customer ({

// … other settings …

Options: {

Maxmessagesize: 67108864,

Maxlength: 2000, // define a maximum length for the message




  • Test and refine : After making these adjustments, test the application carefully to make sure you work as expected. Refine GRPC customer code, as needed to host larger useful tasks.


By understanding how the Yellowstone-GRPC Geyser plug-in works and adjusting the options according to, you can solve the problem "Error: received greater than the maximum problem by recovering the data on the locally implemented RPC server. Remember to test and improve your application after making these adjustments to ensure a software experience.

Code for example

Solana: Error: Received message larger than max (1970303084 vs 67108864). Yellowstone-grpc geyser. NodeJS

Here is an example of how you can update the GRPC customer code using updated options:


Const Cliver = requires (‘@Triton-one/Yellowstone-Grpc’);

Asynchrons function Gethellooworld () {

CONST Customer = New Customer ({

// … other settings …

Options: {

Maxmessagesize: 67108864,

Maxlength: 2000, // define a maximum length for the message


Requesthandler: Assincron (Request, Answer) => {

console.log (‘Message received:’, Request.message);

Answer.Send ({Date: ‘Hello World!’});



to try {

Const {date} = wait client.gethelloworld ();

console.log (data);

} Catch (error) {

console.error (error);



Gethelloworld ();


This updated code increases theMaxmessagesize option and defines a fixed message (` maxlength ‘) to ensure that your RPC server does not receive great messages.

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