Understanding Bitcoin Fees: A Guide to Conversion Between SAT and BTC/KB

The world of cryptocurrency can be intimidating, especially when it comes to understanding fees. Two popular terms that often come up are “sats” and “BTC/kB,” but what do they actually mean? In this article, we’ll explain the difference between sats/byte and BTC/kilobyte (KB), helping you convert between the two units of measurement.

What is a kilobyte (KB)?

Bitcoin: What's the difference between sats/byte and BTC/kB?

A kilobyte (KB) is a unit of digital information that measures the size of files or data in megabytes. One kilobyte is equal to 1,024 bytes. In the case of Bitcoin Core, which displays the fees for the block explorer, a single byte is 1/1024 of a kilobyte.

What does sats mean?

Sats is the native cryptocurrency used for mining and transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. The total supply of satoshi (the smallest unit of satoshi) is limited to 21 million, meaning there will be no more new satoshis. Each satoshi is worth approximately $0

The fee displayed in satoshi/byte represents the amount of Bitcoin that the miner must pay to validate the transaction and secure the network. When a transaction is processed, the miner calculates the fee based on the cost of the mining equipment, power consumption, and other factors. The fee is then divided among the network participants involved in processing the transaction.

How ​​to convert between sats/byte and BTC/kB?

To convert between sats/bytes and BTC/kB, consider the following:

Using this approximate conversion factor, here’s how to convert:

+ BTC/kB ≈ $5 / 0.000937 ≈ 5357 satoshi/KB

Keep in mind that this conversion is an approximation and may not be completely accurate due to the complexities of Bitcoin network fees.


In conclusion, understanding the difference between sats/byte and BTC/kB is essential to making informed decisions about your cryptocurrency investments. By understanding these two units of measurement, you will be better equipped to navigate the world of Bitcoin fees and make more informed choices about your digital assets.


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