Ethereum: In what cases would a bitcoin address not have a private key?
Understanding Bitcoin Addresses: When a Bitcoin Address Doesn’t Have a Private Key Bitcoin has evolved significantly since its inception, with various features and updates being introduced over time. One such update is the introduction of Bitcoin Cash (BCH), which introduced SegWit and Merkle trees to the blockchain. While most addresses still have private keys, there […]
Ethereum: Transaction with highest fee, but stuck, what did I do wrong?
Ethereum: Transaction with Highest Fee, but Stuck – What Went Wrong? As an Ethereum user, you’re likely aware of the importance of accurate transaction details and timely payment. However, it seems like your recent transfer has resulted in a stuck transaction, leaving you wondering what went wrong. In this article, we’ll delve into the details […]
ERC, Bitmex, Fiat
“The Double-Edged Sword of Blockchain: An In-Depth Look at Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, and the Dynamics of Fiat Currencies” As the world becomes increasingly digital, the use of cryptocurrencies has gained significant momentum in recent years. Among the various types of cryptocurrencies available, some have attracted intense investor interest, while others have been met with skepticism. […]
Ethereum: Why is a synchronized mempool necessary in the network?
Why a Synchronized Memory Pool Is Essential for Ethereum The Ethereum network is built on a Synchronized Memory Pool (SMP) mechanism that provides all nodes with an up-to-date view of pending transactions. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at why a synchronized memory pool is essential and how it works. What is a […]
Solana: pre/postTokenBalances accountIndex doesnt correspond to accountKeys Index
Solana Transaction Error: getTransaction Method Issue As an experienced developer working with the Solana blockchain, I am here to help you troubleshoot and resolve the transaction error issue on your preTokenBalances account. In this article, we will dive deeper into the issue and provide solutions to fix it. Issue Overview The error message usually looks […]
Ethereum: how exactly was the original coefficient for difficulty determined?
Understanding Ethereum’s Original Difficulty Factor: A Historical Perspective In the early days of Ethereum, Satoshi Nakamoto implemented a complex system to ensure that the decentralized network remained secure and fair. One of the key components of this system was the difficulty factor, which plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability and scalability of the […]
Addressing the Ethical Risks of AI in Cryptocurrency Mining
Addressing the Ethical Risks of AI in Cryptocurrency Mining As the world’s largest and fastest-growing cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin and other altcoins continue to attract the attention of investors, miners, and developers. One of the main factors contributing to this growth is artificial intelligence (AI) technology, which has enabled miners to solve complex computational problems with […]
Ethereum: My Transactions hasn’t been confirmed for 2days+ [duplicate]
Ethereum: What happens to my unconfirmed transactions? As a new Bitcoin Cash (BCH) or Ethereum user, it can be frustrating when you send funds to another wallet or exchange and you haven’t received a confirmation yet. One such issue is the lack of confirmation for Ethereum transactions, especially for users like you who have sent […]
Bitcoin: Why does Electrum’s createnewaddress() only return legacy addresses?
Understanding the limitation of Electrum’s creatnewaddress() function Electrum, a popular Bitcoin wallet software, provides a command-line interface (creatnewaddress()) to create new Bitcoin addresses. However, a common problem reported by users is that this function only returns legacy Bitcoin addresses (aka “hex” addresses), instead of Bech32 addresses. In this article, we will dive deeper into the […]
Bitcoin: What’s the difference between sats/byte and BTC/kB?
Understanding Bitcoin Fees: A Guide to Conversion Between SAT and BTC/KB The world of cryptocurrency can be intimidating, especially when it comes to understanding fees. Two popular terms that often come up are “sats” and “BTC/kB,” but what do they actually mean? In this article, we’ll explain the difference between sats/byte and BTC/kilobyte (KB), helping […]