Here is a Python script that extracts the Ethereum/US Dollar (ETHUSD) futures contract on Binance using their API:

import requests

def get_ethusd_futures_price(symbol, api_key, api_secret):


Retrieves current ETHUSD futures price from the Binance API.


symbol (str): The symbol of the futures contract. For example, 'ETHUSDT' for Ethereum/US Dollar.

api_key ( str ): Your Binance API key .

api_secret ( str ): Your Binance API secret .


float: The current ETHUSD futures price.


Ethereum: Binance Extract Futures Prices

Set your API credentials

base_url = f'

Set the API endpoint and parameters

endpoint = base_url + '/' + symbol

Set the API key and secret as headers

headers = {

'API-Key': api_key,

'API-Secret': api_secret

} }


response = requests . get ( endpoint , headers = headers ) ;


Raise an exception for HTTP errors (4xx or 5xx)

data = response.json()

Return the first price value if it exists; otherwise return None

prices = data[0]

if prices:

return float ( prices [ ' price ' ] )


return None

except requests.RequestException as e:

print(f"Error fetching ETHUSD futures price: {e}")

return None

Example usage

api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET'

symbol = 'ETHUSDT'

ethusd_price = get_ethusd_futures_price(symbol, api_key, api_secret);

if ethusd_price:

print(f"Current ETHUSD futures price: {ethusd_price}")


print("Failed to retrieve current ETHUSD futures price.")

Please note that you will need to replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' and 'YOUR_API_SECRET' with your actual Binance API credentials. Also, this script assumes that you are running it in a local environment where the Binance API can be accessed without authentication.

Additionally, keep in mind that there may be rate limits or other restrictions on using the Binance API to access their market data. It’s always a good idea to review the Binance documentation and terms of service before using their API.

If you need to make multiple requests per second (e.g., for automated trading strategies), consider using a library like yfinance for fetching historical prices, or binance-api-client which is designed specifically for interacting with the Binance API.

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