Configuring Bitcoin Core Wallet for Use on Tor

When switching from a traditional desktop wallet to one that uses the Tor network, it is important to ensure that your wallet remains secure and compatible with the Tor protocol. This article will guide you through configuring Bitcoin Core v0.1.2 (64-bit) for use on Tor.


Step 1: Configure Bitcoin Core Wallet for Tor

To enable Bitcoin Core to use the Tor network, you will need to create a new wallet or update an existing one. Follow these steps:

Step 2: Configure your electric wallet

To connect your Bitcoin Core wallet to the Tor network:

Step 3: Test Your Configuration

After completing these steps, test your configuration by sending money to a predetermined address using the Electrum client or an online transfer service.

Tips and Variations

With these steps, you have successfully configured your Bitcoin Core wallet to use the Tor network. Remember to test and monitor your configuration regularly to ensure optimal performance and security.

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