Ethereum Contract Call Error: Understanding the Problem and Possible Solutions

As a developer working with Ethereum-based smart contracts, encountering errors can be frustrating and difficult to resolve. One specific error that can occur is an “Execution rolled back for an unknown reason” message, which typically indicates that the execution of a contract call has stopped due to an unforeseen issue. In this article, we will dive deeper into the context behind this error and explore possible solutions to help you fix it.

What causes the error?

The “Execution rolled back for an unknown reason” error occurs when a smart contract attempts to execute a contract call that is not supported by the current blockchain environment or due to a logical flaw in the code. This can happen when:

Raw call arguments

The “raw call arguments” section of the error message provides valuable information about what is happening at a low level:

Possible solutions

Ethereum: Contract call error

To resolve the “Execution reverted for an unknown reason” error, consider the following steps:

Sample Solution

Let’s say your contract looks like this:

contract MyContract {

function myFunction() public {

// Trying to call a non-existent function on an account

(bool success) = payable(self).call("NonExistentFunction");

if (!success) {





In this case, you may need to update the contract syntax and run tests to adapt it to the new function. You can use tools like solhint or truffle to help with compatibility checks.


The “Execution rolled back for an unknown reason” error in Ethereum smart contracts is often a sign of underlying issues that require careful analysis and troubleshooting. By checking contract syntax, verifying gas prices, testing on local nodes, using modern libraries, and updating your codebase, you can increase the chances of solving this problem. Remember to stay up to date with the latest Ethereum developments and best practices to ensure reliable and efficient smart contract development.

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