Ethereum: “Getting ‘Promise { }’ response when deploying smart contract using hardhat – how to resolve?”

As a developer building smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain using the popular Hardhat framework, you might encounter difficulties implementing your contract. One common problem is encountering an error response indicating that the deployment was successful but has not actually been deployed yet (ie it is in a pending state).

In this article, we’ll explore why this happens and how to fix it.

What does “Pending” mean?

When you use ethers.getContractFactory().deploy(), Hardhat creates an Ethereum smart contract factory that allows you to deploy contracts on the blockchain. The contract was built using Solidity, a programming language used to write smart contracts on the Ethereum network.

In some cases, your deployment script may not finish building and deploying the contract in time before it is called by other code. This can cause problems when trying to access or interact with a set contract.

Why is my contract still “pending”?

There are several reasons why your contract might be stuck in a pending state:


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

1. Check for transaction timeouts

If your deployment script is taking too long to build and deploy a contract, Hardhat may reject it. You can check if transactions have timed out by examining the transactionHash output of the getContractFactory().deploy() call.

const factory = ethers.getContractFactory('BinaryvilleRobotsNFT');

const deployment = await factory.deploy();

const transactionHash = wait implementation.wait();

// Check if the transaction timed out

if (transactionHash && transactionHash.timestamp < block.timestamp - 30000) {

// Handle timeout error

} otherwise {

// Implementation succeeded, but the contract is still pending


2. Optimize your deployment script

To speed up deployment time:

3. Check network congestion

If multiple nodes are trying to deploy contracts at the same time, consider using a distributed deployment strategy or optimizing your contract construction process to reduce network contention.

4. Explicitly manage time limits

Instead of relying on wait() to implicitly handle timeouts, you can use the timeout callback function:

const factory = ethers.getContractFactory('BinaryvilleRobotsNFT');

const deployment = await factory.deploy({

// Other parameters...

}, (error: any) => {

if (error && error.code === 8) {

// Implementation timed out

} otherwise {

// Implementation succeeded, but the contract is still pending



By following these troubleshooting steps and tips, you should be able to resolve “Getting ‘Promise { }’ response when deploying smart contracts using Hardhat.”

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