Understanding the communication of Ethereum nodes
In the huge and decentralized network of the Ethereum blockchain, the knots play a decisive role in facilitating communication between them. In this article, we are immersed in the process that makes a node communicate with other knots to obtain information, such as the set of non -Late (UTXO) or the longest chain.
Overall Ethereum Network Presentation
The Ethereum network is based on a peer-to-peer protocol that allows you to connect and replace the knots. All network nodes also work as a customer and server and rely on your comrades for information and services.
How to share your node information
To share information, initiate a knot connection with other knots with several other knots through the process called “Discovery Network”. If two or more knots are connected, you can initiate a conversation using the Ethereum protocol. This conversation is initiated by a single message from one node to another called “ping” (short at the peer-to-peer).
Ping message structure
Ping message consists of multiple ingredients:
- Network ID : Unique network ID.
- The node ID : Identification of the node request.
- Type of request : Command or query indicating what information is requested, such as UTXO or chain information.
Types of request
There are many kinds of requests in Ethereum:
- Get UTXO : Get a set of unconfirmed (UTXO) transactions in Blockchain.
- Get the longest chain : Scan the longest block of block and the related time stamp, which indicates the latest network of the network.
Answer mechanism
When an applicant node sends a ping message to other nodes, they respond with their own ping messages that are about themselves, such as the network ID and the Node ID. The knots that then initiate new conversations with the demanding nodes, repeating this process until the agreement or relationship.
The process of discovering the network
The network discovery process includes a series of steps:
- Initial pens : The first Ping message initiates a chat from a knot with other knots.
- Answers
: Other nodes respond to the original Ping message, providing information about themselves and their network.
- Speech loop : The requesting node will continue to send ping messages to agreement or connection.
In summary, the Ethereum nodes communicate with each other through the process of pings, responses and discussions, allowing to share information and establish connections in the huge and decentralized network.