I will be happy to help you calculate the amount of exchange from the Deca (Dorridas Coins)
Calculate the exchange of Acent: A step by step guide
The functional school of SQRTPrice is the support of the mechanics of the UNISWAP liquidity pool. It is a swarose.
To calculate the aming singsqrtpricewith uniswap v3, follow these steps:
1. Define the entrance parameters
* INPUTKEN : The entrance token you want to change.
* OutputToken : There is how to receive the interference of the entrance token (it can be derived from a DEX).
* Pricefofoutputken : There is time time.
* Pooliquident : The total license outside the group, which is represented by theTotalamontoutparameter in Uniswap V3.
The operation ofSQRTPrice can be efficient, the aunt of exchange as follows:
Inc calculate_swap_out (amount_in, prise_ofout_token, total_liquidity):
Calculate the swap-out amunt sqrtprice
swap_out_amont = (amunt_in / price_ofout_token) * total_liquide
A swap_out_amont of return
Example use:
input_token_price = 1000
in wei
output_token_price = 500
in wei
pile_in = 1e15
in Wei (example currency)
Swap_out_amont = Calculate_swap_out (Ambant_in, Output_token_price, Total_Liquity_v3)
Print (f "the imvent swap-out is: {swap_out_amont} Wei")
3. Derive the output token
Token to the tokens A Dex, will be theERC20Tokenor implementation of the Openzepepepelin liquor or implements its exit toKen.
For example, if it has provided the following parameters:
| Paramet | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Basetoken | The entrance token used for derivation. |
| numtokens | The number of tokens in each group. |
| Priseofbasetoken | The time of the date. |
You can calculate the output token according to the following:
Def derive_output_token (base_token, number_tokens, print_of_base_token):
Calculate the output token using the ERC20Token Library of Openzeppelin
Import Coading Erc20Token
output_token = erc20token (
Price_of_Base_Token * (Nuum_tokens - 1)
Example use:
Base_Token_price = 10e6
in Wei
num_tokens = 1000
in Wei
Price_of_base_token_v2 = 20e3
in wei
output_token = derive_output_token (base_token_price, number_tokens, print_of-base_token_v2)
print (f "the output token is: {output_token.name}")
4. Calculate the SQRTPrice exchange AMUNT estimation with UNISWAP V2 and AMM
To calculate the SWAP-out Appeal in the Uniiswap V2 and AMMS, it can an approach similar to the one above.